About us At our center, we believe that newborn care requires personalized 1-to-1 service. Even during shifts, we ensure that one caregiver is assigned to each baby to establish a strong bond and understand their unique character. This approach helps us provide tailored care that meets the specific needs of each baby. Our focus is not only on taking care of the baby but also the postnatal mot... See more
Clara confinements centre(克莱拉陪月中心) -28天 -单人房 -4餐 -免费尿不湿 -免费配方牛奶 -免费吸乳器 只需要Rm 8499.00😍😍😍 -免费拍摄婴儿Clara confinement centre (CCC) is a serene retreat especially dedicated to new mums and their bundle(s) of joy. We offer traditional postnatal care complemented by a range of wellness massages amidst a comfortable and relaxing ambiance. We aspire for you and your... See more
🌼幸福爱🌼 ♥28天身体调理调养配套♥ ♥️28天月子配套;身体产后调养40天 您的憂慮我們非常明白, 就讓我們來為您解憂愁。 讓您在安全與溫馨的月子會所裡,渡過美好的月子時光。 誠意推出精心為您設計的安心做月配套。 我們的團隊已經準備好為您提供專業的服務💪 💝我们为你准备28天+12天的产后调理,減輕您的生活壓力💝
HMC Confinement is managed by healthcare professionals who understand the medical and delicate nature of looking after a newborn and the mother. The team comprises of medical doctors, nurses, and carers with experience in post partum and neonatal care. Our neonatal care is advised by senior pediatric consultants to ensure that the highest level of care is given to your newborn. 📌槟城首家酒店式... See more
STWO Confinement Centre is the largest confinement centre in Negeri Sembilan with professional services, well-balanced and nutritious meals, and clean, comfortable rooms so you can focus on healing while their staff takes care of everything else. Besides a long list of daily services for both Mummy and Baby like herbal baths, massages, and health monitoring, they also welcome new Daddies to sta... See more
妈咪辛苦怀胎十月,产后当然要好好调理身体,但随便一个房的月子配套都过万元🤨 在#月子城 产后护理中心,环境舒适 ,不需要付费过万... 現只需【RM 6888++】也能好好坐月子喔😍
幸孕阁 is Singapore's Premium Boutique Post-partum Suite for confinement services. We aim to offer the best services you can find on our tiny island, from dietitian-planned luxurious meals to post-postpartum activities like never before. Located in a brand new 4 -story building in the posh Siglap Area, The Clover Suites presents contemporary, boutique-inspired suites with 24/7 care for mothers... See more
在垦仪月子坊~有kenyi 厨艺精湛的厨娘👩🍳为妈妈安排一日五餐营养月膳,除了妈妈吃得好之外,宝宝的膳食也有专业泌师每天为妈妈观察奶量🍼无需担忧产后涨奶、石头奶或母乳不足的问题 #这个很重要哦 我们会帮妳解决以上所有的问题,为妳实现哺乳之路🤱让妳蜕变成更完美的妈妈💝
A Mother's journey starts nine months before the day you meet your new precious baby. The most unforgettable experiences start during your post-pregnancy journey. YuYu Confinement is founded by experienced mums who understand what you’re going through. We are here to provider post-pregnancy confinement care to help balance your diet, recuperate your wellbeing, and to provide professional guidan... See more
Premium Care | Personal Touch We offer a wide range of high-quality confinement / postpartum services & activities. Joie Confinement Center is an exclusive postnatal retreat where the mother is able to get her well-deserved retreat, supported by the professional medical team. In Joie, our aim is to assist and support you and your baby to recuperate well, in a comfortable, private and safe e... See more
VIRTUOUS is a family-oriented Postpartum Recovery facility specially catered for new mothers to preserve their good health. It’s a great opportunity to transform one’s constitution. Adopting the correct Postpartum Recovery method in VIRTUOUS immediately allows women the opportunity to grow healthier and more beautiful with each birth. However, if one does not practice proper Postpartum Recovery... See more
Moonzie 慕子轩月子中心位于Cheras黄金地带,带给妈咪以及宝宝最优先的照料
Danai Cresenvale Postnatal Haven is a serene retreat especially dedicated to new mums and their bundle(s) of joy. We offer traditional postnatal care complemented by a range of wellness massages amidst a comfortable and relaxing ambiance. We aspire for you and your newborn to feel right at home as you recuperate and rejuvenate amidst a comfortable and relaxing ambiance. Danai Cresenvale is part... See more
A unique combinations of tradition and modern, comfort and caring environment, The Senses Confinement Center focuses on the importance of the 5 senses to rejuvenate mothers in an enjoyable and educational way
We’re a boutique confinement centre located in the town of Klang, Selangor, dedicated to mothers and newborn babies. We’d like to imagine, we’re a place that’s called, a “Home Away From Home”. You see, as a mother, we all want our children to always feel comfortable. So, we took it upon ourselves to combine our skills and knowledge of postpartum and postnatal care to serve mothers around Klang... See more
LEE MAMA娘家陪月中心提供最专业的坐月服务, 结合传统月子护理与现代医学原理. 从2016年成立至今, 承诺履行给予最良心的价格 最细心的呵护, 延续着娘家的初心-每一位妈妈对孩子的爱.
涵璧楼创办人的初衷 希望协助现代职场女性们在秉持着女性一份传承的责任与信念同时, 能够拥有一个安心的庇护所, 在专业的护理团队细心呵护与协助, 渡过月子生活的美好时光。
馨语陪月中心 是综合徒手整骨与束缚养生 给产后妈咪拥有健康的骨骼达到最快瘦身保证
Provide personalized, professional, and exceptional confinement care and services to mommies and babies in a modern, comfortable, and caring environment. We are proud to introduce you to the very FIRST confinement center in Melaka state. 💖 月子是女人重生的机会 坐个好月子,调理好身子,幸福一辈子 💖 ⭕为什么选择我们❓ 🔥乔伊月子中心🔥 👉马六甲经验最足 👉经营了5️⃣年,服务超过6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣位产后妈咪&宝宝... See more