Great cooking skills. Tasty, healthy, nutrition are all there. Cooked from natural ingredients. Flavour is appetizing and suit my taste bud.
Baby Care
Very experienced nanny on taking care of my baby. She is patient, careful and caring. She is very good on calming down my baby. She prepared a detailed schedule and record down my baby's feeding time, boo boo wee wee time,etc...
Mummy Care
She has knowledge of food nutrition & educates me on the ingredients' purpose and what they do for my body. She helped a lot with how to produce more milk. She did a lot of massage for me. I had been taking care well and resting well.
Recommendation & Experience
Highly recommended Gean Fong as all the mummies' confinement nanny. My sincerest recommendation. She performed all the tasks perfectly. She cheered up my whole confinement period, not only me but my family members also felt the same.