The food was healthy and nutritious. Nanny will also find out taste preference and cook accordingly. She will also observe which is my favourite food and will try to cook them more often.
Baby Care
Nanny was skilled in handling a new born and know what to do without prompts. She keeps a record of all diaper changes and daily feeds as such she is able to keep track of baby’s milk intake and increase when necessary
Mummy Care
Nanny always ensures that I have ample rest. She will give advice on what I should do to lower the stress level
Recommendation & Experience
Auntie Joey is a wonderful confinement nanny. She has superb cooking skills and baby caring skills. During the period of her care, my baby grew attached to her and she really treat my baby with love. She will take the initiative to replenish ingredients on her own. It helped to the alleviate daddy’s workload and also ensuring that I do get ample rest. She also have great advices on how we should care for a newborn and even after she left, she still drop us a call to find out how we are managing. It’s great to know that her support for us does not stop after the confinement period.