Mummies to be, please do carefully select the confinement agency. I have very bad experience engaging PEM.
1st occasion, i have selected one referral confinement nanny in Jan to lock her schedule. Only in June, PEM contacted and informed that the nanny has been out of reach since April. But they only inform us on Mid June which my baby is going to due on 3rd week of Jul. Despite of providing alternative option, the customer service requested me to view their 400 database to select. I was amazed on such services as i would presume the agency would shortlist those nanny profile whom is available during my due period for selection.
Nevertheless, we reviewed and selected few choices but only one of them is available.
2nd occasion, i was just contacted and informed that my nanny is unavailable to come over SG on 26th Jul. The customer service again asking me to review database and select another nanny. I was feeling annoyed and upset as my baby due was on this Sun.
Despite of all the pre-planning since Jan, things doesnt work out and the agency is not service oriented at all. Prior, i heard good reviews on this agency engagement which is not the case! — feeling stressed.