Freelance Confinement Nanny 王x桦 / 王x华 / Ong Lxxx Hxx (Hearsay she is nanny from hell)
HP : 83xxxxx4
Decided to step up to post reviews on different platforms despite the hassle because I do not allow any more babies to suffer under the hands of this nanny.
She swaddle babies really tightly till it leave marks on the body, zero support to the neck while swaddling, places babies to sleep on their stomach while being tightly swaddled. (Risk of SIDS)
She fed 90ml to 150ml of BM/FM to newborn LESS THAN A WEEK OLD, hands-free feeding method where bottles were supported by pillows only.
Babies were unable to refuse milk in this compromising position even when they had enough. (Risk of choking & overfeeding)
All these in hope that they will sleep as long as possible and not disrupt her leisure time.
She requested to buy many kinds of herbs/alcohol to cook for my confinement meals on the day she arrived.
I thought whatever an experienced nanny prepped for you will only do you good for confinement, not.
My babies were diagnosed with Breast Milk Jaundice due to the heavy usage of herbs/alcohol I consumed.
She uses 3 phones with non-stop voice messaging, while babies were asleep in the same room with her. (Even past midnight)
Offered her to use the living room instead because I do not want my babies’ sleep to be disrupted, she acknowledged but same thing happened again the next day and again and again.
She bathes them out of the tub, carried them on her hand while facing down and pouring cups of water on their backs.
Babies cried murder during EVERY BATH despite she claiming that this method is the most difficult to perform but of the best interest to the babies.
She demand that babies should be given pacifiers so that they will not cry and be cranky, and can sleep soundly at night. (she meant herself I guess)
She claimed that she had a bad headache, very tired and doesn’t want to die in my place. (Be informed that she have more than enough rest because my babies are always asleep? She need not do house chores except for prep and cook)
She complaint that nobody help her to take care of the twins. (joke)
She said she will leave if we don’t offer pacifiers to the babies.
No words can describe how rude she was to all of us even to me! (24/7 black face). During the entire period, I don’t even feel taken care of. And still have to endure her bad attitude.
We endured her poor attitude for the reason that she is here to take good care of my babies.
We endured her poor attitude because she boasted she have 20 years of excellent nanny experience, specializing in twins.
I let her go immediately, after 2 weeks.
As of today, I’ve stumbled upon the other 2 families who had engaged her after me, coincidentally both also did not complete the entire confinement cycle with her.
Be warned to all mummies all there.