I got to know today from my mil that the confinement nanny Chee Ah MEi took out a few pieces of the herbs from my tonic soup as and when and kept it in a drawer. When asked she said she going to eat it. WE PAID FOR THE HERBS and she is just here to prepare the soup, not take ingredients out cause no need put so much.
She has been asking my mil and hub to buy vege that I dun eat and said she likes to eat! I’m the one doing confinement and not her. Before checking with us what we have, she asked my hub to buy a lot of unnecessary stuff that we have at home. Eg milk bottle brush, basin etc..
Tissue box 2-3 days she can finished a box and Scott towel less than one month finished 7rolls. She’s here to ease the confinement period not add on to our financial burden.
After my confinement I got to know that baby 0-1 month muz swaddle. She first few days nv wrap my baby already. What’s the procedure like..??
Preparation of lunch is 1030-130pm or so and dinner 4-4.30 she starts and all the way Until after dinner about 7-8pm I am handling baby.
Just a feedback and something to look into and please discipline the nanny strictly to avoid others facing the same problem.