i there, just sharing my very bad experience with this confinement nanny named Chua Kam Thai (also go by the name Aunty Grace) who was supposed to be with us for 4 months. She was here with us for 3 months and started showing her true colors later on. Before she came over, kept bragging about her experiences and how well she knows how to take care of baby. However when she joined, she started to increase my infant's formula milk feed from ~40-50ml all the way to 100ml within 1 week. That started causing the baby to suffer from reflux even until now. We even sought help from multiple different pediatricians who all mentioned there was overfeeding of the baby and we needed to cut down the volume. After that we tried to communicate the feeding volume and frequency with her but despite all these she still kept feeding the baby small volumes ~30ml between supposed feeding time cause she said she couldn't manage the baby. So on month 2 we told her to drop the cooking and just focus on taking care of the baby. We then started to realize a whole slew of bad habits she had - constantly closing the baby room door to 'put the baby to sleep', using phone while carrying the baby, sleeping with the earphones on where sometimes she doesn't even realize the baby has cried and kept being skeptical of the baby monitor saying she's being monitored despite us having the output shown on a public screen in the living room. She even complained about the aircon temperature saying she's not used to the temperature even though it's our baby who needs the cooling temperature. Afterwards we were arranging for a maid to settle in and told her some of the house rules to follow and guess what... few days later after receiving her salary she just disappeared saying she needs to buy something and left for 2 hours. When we contacted her, she suddenly claim that we haven't been treating her well and wanted to quit. This is despite us always remember to buying food/drinks for her, getting my parents to help during daytime so she can do other necessary chores and even kept letting her go out for her personal matters (draw money, meet friend for meal, complete PR application). At the point of leaving, she still cursed my parents (mind you they were already 60s and 70s who can be considered her senior) and was extremely rude.
In addition, she's got a very bad case of paranoia where she claimed the motion sensors around the house are cameras to track her when in fact it is not true (there aren't any cameras other than the baby monitor installed). She also claimed that we hacked into her phones, downloaded her data and installed some form of tracking software which is completely nonsensical. She's also made up a number of false stories and went to the extent of making police reports.
What we do suspect is that as the baby has grown a lot in weight (6KG at 3 months), she's unable to manage anymore - keeps complaining about the baby waking up at night and that she can't carry the baby well while standing. Also as the baby was 3 months old, there was sleep regression kicking in which was likely affecting her sleep. However she went to the extent of creating a big hoo-haa to get to her means which is really unethical.
Be warned about this confinement nanny and I strongly discourage anyone to engage her! Engage her at your own risk!