Name : Mdm sim / ah ying ( my mil calls her ah ying )
Age : 60++
She have punk hair. Top of her head have hair, the side all botak.
Her son is the one who liase with us.
[h=5]She made my confinement period very sucky.
She has been with us for 12 days. I just sent her packing off today.
Totally could not tolerate anymore.
1) I was sleeping with air con (Heaty weather) in the morning 8am, she bathe my girl and came in my room to change her. Leaving her naked, trying to wear pampers on her. My girl sneezed a couple times, woke me up and I saw her naked, with hair wet. I asked CL to at least cover her body with towel before changing, she replied me, "Never mind one". it's not her girl, of cause she say nvm.
2) She burp my girl without holding on her chin. Her head totally have no support, nothing. Like humpty dumpty. I happened to look at her feeding my girl 1 time, and saw how she burp her. I told CL to at least hold her head, she's just 2 weeks old baby! How she have the strength to hold her own head?? I see her head drop to the back already.
3) Too lazy. Simply don't boil plain water. She replaced the flask with TAP WATER! I didn't know because I was drinking red dates drink all along. It's only my MIL told me, then I realized. I have been supplying EBM, but also to top up FM because not enough. Then I know she FED my girl with milk made from tap water! How can she feed a newborn, tap water milk???
4) She always love to on the stove fire very small, to slow cook my drink. But she never close the window. Once I went to the kitchen, I saw the fire is gone, but stove still on. She's happily showering in the toilet. If I never off the stove, I seriously don't know what will happen.
5) She never listens to me!!! Everytime I ask her don't overfeed my girl. She don't listen. At times I pump like 120ML in a bottle. My girl only takes 80ML now. She always want to feed all so my girl won't cry in the night for milk! I told CL not to feed all. But the moment I see, the milk bottle is empty.
6) Her leg have those rashes or something. To the extend it becomes watery type. I am afraid she touch her leg then touch my girl.
7) She is very rough on my girl. On everything. Change clothes , feeding, changing pampers.
8) There's once I changed my girl's pamper myself. I realized there's a small piece of shit at the corner of her leg. The pampers I change for her, she only urine inside, no shit. So obviously, the CL didn't clean properly during the last pamper change. My girl can easily get UTI.
9) When my girl cry, she always assumed she's hungry. Once, she feed my girl. I turned to see, I saw my CL squeezing my girl's cheeks to make her OPEN HER MOUTH to drink the milk. WTF.
10) Her confinement food sucks. Everything always overcooked!
11) Always seems rushing so she can rest. When my girl stops drinking , she will push force the teat , deeper into her mouth. I caught her once and scolded her. How fast can a 2 weeks old baby drink??
12) Once, my girl is crying. The CL put her finger on top of my girl's mouth. See she will suck or not , to see if she's hungry. Then next moment, i see her using the same finger to rub her nose. Super unhygienic !
So many more to complain.
Better not hire her to prevent depression !
I don't have her number. But it's her son who liase with her. Her son's name is Alan.[/h]