I was severely taken advantage of when I was an inexperienced first time mum with Ari.
The confinement nanny that we hired from Confinement Angels turned out to be an absolute nightmare. She managed to isolate me from Max and Ari without anyone’s knowledge and did a number on me.
The agency and the nanny managed to convince me that her abuse towards us wasn’t abuse.
I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to be shouted at by someone who was supposed to be working for me. And I paid $4K for their services.
I didn’t know it was not normal to live in fear that my baby would be harmed.
At my most vulnerable, no one believe me and I was pushed to believe that I’m was just being hyper sensitive and everything was my fault.
No one came to my aid, not family, not the church, not friends, no one knew how bad the situation was except Max.
I’m just so glad and relieved that Aristotle is well and alive despite everything. Jesus protected him.
Jesus carried me through and now with Immanuel, I’m better equipped not to take BS.
Apparently I was right about the nanny being abusive.
She ended up getting terminated and is now at the top of the blacklist on confinement angels page.
It’s so sad that several other mothers after me had to be abused by her before she was terminated.
All because at my most vulnerable so called well meaning people were quick to dismiss my concerns and fears for their own egos and inflated faux sense of morality.
To the people who enjoy showing pseudo kindness to strangers, convincing me that I had to show kindness to abusive people just because they are foreigners, just because they are elderly.
Look what you did. Because of your pseudo kindness, this nanny managed to inflict abuse on 12 other mothers and babies. Shame on you. One day you would have to answer to Jesus. Blood is on your hands.
Never again.
If I’m sensitive, so be it. If I’m at fault so be it. But no abuse will be allowed on myself or my family again.