would like to share my experience on my recent confinement with nannysos...
I wasn't happy with the first nanny, mei ling that was assigned to me. I'll just site 2 incidents out of the numerous that happened, which made me request for a change in nanny. these 2 incidents both happened on day 1..
1) on the first night, I requested for her to wake baby up every 3 hours if he did not wake up on his own, and bring him over to me for him to latch as I wanted to breastfeed him. she agreed. we spoke of a few other things, and just before I left the room, I reminded her again about waking the baby up every 3 hours. but this time, the reply in Mandarin was "if I didn't wake up, you come and carry him over yourself". π what's the use of nanny doing night duties then?
2) next day (day 2 morning), I mentioned baby only woke up once? (the night was definitely more than 6 hours long, so baby should be awake at least twice, but was only brought over to me once). she replied no, he woke up again, and I gave him formula.. apparently my instructions were not taken seriously and she made her own decision to give him formula π
these were just on day 1. I had her for a week, and decided to change a nanny. Justin worked on it promptly and assigned nanny Jenny to us, who was better, albeit a little talkative, which made it Abit tough to rest when I wanted to.. but at least she followed my instructions much better than Mei Ling.
that being said, I would suggest for those who want to hire a nanny to select beforehand, rather than leaving it to "fate"..