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Finally, the platform we’ve all been waiting for is here! We bring you MummyNanny, a platform that connects Mummies with the most suitable freelance Nannies for a better home confinement experience.

For Mummies

As a Mummy, you can now find all your stay-home confinement Nannies in one place and contact them without any hassle. We provide you with advanced search features to find Nannies based on the languages they speak, where they reside in, their estimated daily salary and their skills.
We also provide you a money-back guarantee to put your mind at ease when looking to hire a freelance confinement Nanny. Our money-back guarantee ensures that any down-payment (excluding the service fee) that was made through the MummyNanny payment system will be refunded in case the Nanny is unable to start the job.
We know that it is very important for you to get a Nanny that best meets your confinement needs and specific requirements. Nannies you find online can tell you all about their job experience when you contact them. You can also get to know about Nannies and their abilities through relatives, friends and colleagues. However, you will not be able to verify these claims or decide whether the Nanny meets your personal requirements without seeing a tangible proof of their work.
That is why our goal is help you to make better hiring decisions by showing you the Portfolios of each Nanny’s previous jobs, which will include samples of their work as well as comments and recommendations by registered Mummies who have already experienced their services. A Nanny's Portfolios are a collection of well organised records that demonstrate the competencies of the Nanny. Each of the Nanny's Portfolio contains first-hand reviews, recommendations and photos uploaded by the Mummy who employed the Nanny for that job. Portfolio entries are grouped in different categories that are relevant to assess a Nanny's knowledge and skills for providing the required confinement services and experience. Since Portfolios are added for every job, they also contain the most recent skills acquired by the Nanny.
MummyNanny takes quality very seriously, that is why Nannies are ranked based on Nanny Rank and Experience Points. When you search for Nannies on MummyNanny, the Nannies will be displayed in a list starting from those with the highest Nanny Rank or Experience points, depending on your preference. Whenever a Nanny is hired for a job, the Mummy ranks the Nanny’s cooking skill, baby care skill and mummy care skill. The Nanny Rank is the average of all the Nanny’s cooking, baby care and mummy care ranks. Experience Points indicate the number of jobs that have been successfully completed by the Nanny.
Once you make a down-payment for a Nanny through the MummyNanny payment system, a Portfolio will be created for the job. You will have the opportunity to rank the Nanny’s skills as well as provide reviews and recommendations about the Nanny in the Portfolio for public viewing. The Nanny will also have the opportunity to provide reviews about the job experience in the Portfolio.

For Nannies

As a Nanny, you can now create an online presence for yourself as a brand. This is a great chance to be discovered by Mummies wherever they are. MummyNanny also provides you with the ability to create a Portfolio for each job you complete. With portfolios, you can show Mummies actual proof of your work experience and keep record of all your jobs. Portfolios provide tangible proof of your work history, experience, relevant skills, and abilities, which demonstrates to Mummies that you are qualified for the job and meet their specific confinement requirements.
Portfolios are also a great way to keep track of your accomplishments and take note of when you have acquired key competencies. However, putting together a complete Portfolio can take quite a while, especially if you are a Nanny who is always busy on a job. Always making sure that the Portfolio is up-to-date can even be more challenging. But sit back and relax, because MummyNanny is here for you.


Whether you are a Mummy or a Nanny, joining MummyNanny is free! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be thrilled to assist you in any way we can.
Thank you!
The MummyNanny Team
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